Today, Audrey will attend her first day of Kindergarten. Big day!
We are living in North Dakota now while we continue to wait on what God has in store. I suppose in some people's mind it would seem like God has forgotten us or maybe not had a plan for us or maybe we aren't hearing HIM correctly.
That is not how I see it and not how I believe my God works. God has a plan for everyone. There is no plan A or plan B; there is just God's plan. God takes our choices and circumstances, and HIS plan and mixes them to make beautiful, sweet lemonade that is HIS very best for us. God's Best Lemonade!
Today is another step in the journey God has for us. It is another step in following a God that wishes HIS best for us every day. It is God's best for us today!
To God be the glory for all things that have happened and that will happen!