We are called to disciple others. We are called to be discipled by others. These two things are essential to our spiritual life having growth in it. So to ask who is the spiritual person of interest in our lives has to be done.
We can't sit back and not be interested in others and allow others to be interested, spiritually, in us. It is a mandate.
One of the questions that was asked is who are we discipling?
And I wonder. Have you answered that question yet? It is Thursday night and most of the week is gone. Have you thought about it some more?
Who is around you that you could disciple? What does that look like for you? My belief is that by the time we have been discipled intentionally for about a year, we know most of what we need to know to disciple someone else.
That means that most of us could have discipled about 20 people by now if we had only discipled one person a year!!
And think. Jesus had 12!
Have you considered this question then? Have you really thought it through? What is keeping you from discipling someone right now?
In small groups, the question is how do we define discipleship?
Here are some verses to help you out:
John 21:15-17
1 Peter 5:2-4
2 Timothy 2:1-2
John 6:45
1 Peter 1:15-16
John 13:15
Ephesians 4:20-5:1
Great Commandment - Mark 12:29-31
Great Commision - Matthew 28:19-20
And these are just to get you started!! The Bible has a LOT to say about discipleship!!
See what you find in the Bible that defines discipleship.
See you Sunday!!