Eight days in. It has been a very hectic week. That's not a moniker to put on my jacket. Just admitting that I'm tired. I didn't get a day off this week so I need to focus better and prioritize. That is to say that I'm going to have to not do some things this week that I would like to do. Or delegate them out. I am also not completing my goal of posting once a day.
We have a couple people in the hospital right now. Remember to pray for Char and Shirley. Char just had her knee operated on for replacement and is doing well. Will probably come home tomorrow. Home is not literal. She will be staying with her sister. Also, her mother just went in to the hospital and Char is concerned about her. If you would like to send Char something, Tom S. has the address. Also, Shirley is in the hospital with an infection, influenza and pneumonia. They are giving her meds and she is recovering. She has good friends and family come see her and seems comfortable.
God has answered our prayers with Char and Shirley as well. Both are doing well and recovering. Char feels really well and is healing. Shirley's cough has improved a lot!
Today we are going to talk about Service. Servanthood. I am applying the text from John 13:1-17. I wanted to list out some things that I can't fit into the sermon. Here is a list of Self-Righteous Service determiners, not Self-Giving Service determiners.
1. Make a Big Deal
2. External Rewards
3. Pick and Choose
4. Moods and Whims
5. Temporary
6. Insensitive
7. Fractures Community
I will briefly explain them.
1. If we make a big deal and draw attention to ourselves then it is about serving yourself not the thing or person you are serving.
2. If there is a reward for you. You get something out of it. A new car. A piece of candy. If the question in your mind is "What am I getting out of this?" then you are not giving with the right heart.
3. When we choose who to help and who or what not to help or do, we are neglecting God's work in our lives and theirs. Walk with God and you will know the right ways to help. Sometimes it is not apparent in what they are saying they need, or the perceived need. God will help. Ask him.
4. "I don't feel like it." Many are those that receive no help or do not receive the gift of love through service from others because of this attitude.
5. "True service is a lifestyle." It isn't something that is orchestrated necessarily (out of necessity via laxity). It comes from within and floods others.
6. Self-giving love is sensitive to staying tuned in to others. Sometimes the best service is listening. Doing nothing. Being there.
7. Self-serving is all about the one person. Or the group. It divides some or one from others. The thought is that I did this and I am better than them. Even if we don't say it. We think it.
If you find yourselves serving others and one of these thoughts goes through you mind, it needs to be expunged. It is not from God. It is either the evil one spurring you or your human self coming through. Ask God to remove this spirit from you. Ask him to cleanse you from it and give it over to Him. He is a God that sanctifies.
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