Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mission Impossible - Impossible God!

Sometimes our life feels like this. It seems like we are doing the impossible. That our life is full of things and situations that are just too hard. This is what leads to hopelessness.

A lack of hope comes from not seeing a way out. A way to succeed.

And there is only one answer to this problem. One.

We put God in a little box that says what He can and can't do. Only through releasing our minds from this rut can we realize the power, majesty and strength of our God.

God looks at our problems and says, "Hey, those aren't that big. I AM the IMF (Impossible Mission Force). Difficult is just a walk in the park. And to go one step further, God makes the impossible, possible. What is keeping you from truly trusting in God? What has failed? What is it that is keeping you from seeing a way out? For God, all things are possible. Do you believe, or not?

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