Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Question

When you love others, you're quick to forgive.

Who is a person you need to forgive?

Interesting enough, these were dominated by brother and sisters that needed to be forgiven. Although one did put:

One other one that made me think of about how I treat my child was the one that simply said, "my Dad."

I don't know who that child was or what needed to be forgiven, but have prayed that that there is healing and forgiveness there.

Kid's are awesome aren't they?

Question Three

Who is a person that, with God's help, you can begin to love who you haven't been very nice to in the past?

Some highlights:

Brothers and sisters
Lots of friends listed

Here is one of them:

In case you can't read it, it says something along the lines of "I think God can help me love the people who aren't being nice to me like someone who can be difficult to my sister."

Question Two

Who is someone you need to spend more time with?

Some highlights are:

My friend (6)
My brother (6)
My sister (5)
God (2)
My mom (4)
My dad (7)

One of the God one's said this, "God. I need to spend more time with him praying and reading the Bible."

They were supposed to then pray for what each page said to pray for.

The Love of Jesus and One Thing

Last Sunday I asked the 3-5th graders to write on post-it notes and answer the four questions that I am about to post. Their responses to each question will be in each post. I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Just to highlight a few:

Forgive people
Sit with them and talk with them about God
Be their friend
Play with them
Make the feel better
Read the Bible to them
Listen to your parents
When someone is by yourself, you sit
If someone didn't have a home, you give them one

-- an iPhone post

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Art Is Yummy

I had a meeting at Rembrandt's this week and the lady behind the bar was awesome. She fashioned this drink It was both well done on the outside while being tasty on the inside.

Oh, and the meeting was fun too!

-- an iPhone post

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paul and the Underground Church Day Four!

Here is the latest video about our incredible summer adventure! Check it out!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Paul and the Underground Church Day Three

Here is the third day video!

Paul and the Underground Church Day Two

Here is the second night's video of the day!

Paul and the Underground Church Day One

Here is the first video we made. It shows some of the things that the kids did on that first night.