Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Practice Wednesday Night!


I thought I would give a little more information about practice tomorrow night.

We are thinking about having the kids sing outside as carolers for the Christmas Eve Service. What do you think about that? Let me know by taking the poll to the right--->>

Practice is tomorrow night at 7 pm. It will be over at 7:40.
Dress for tomorrow night is what carolers would wear. They can wear nice clothes as long as they also wear warm clothes with warm hats, gloves, scarves, etc.

The Christmas Eve Service starts at 4:30 on Thursday the 24th. We would like to have the kids here at 4:00 pm to "warm" up and get ready to sing. They will sing from 4:10 or so to 4:35 pm. After that they will come back in to sit with their parents.

If you have any questions, give me a call!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas eve rehearsal

Don't forget to wear your caroling clothes! We might be outside singing! See you Wednesday night at 7 pm for practice!

Pastor Dave

-- an iPhone post

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Get Ready for June 30th, 2010!

Here is our newest news. Pastor Dave, Ms. Alissa and Audrey are going to have another addition to our family!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Godtime is Up!

Just thought I would post a quick note to let you know that if you go to "Downloads," you will find the weekly family devotionals for December ready for your family enjoyment and edification!

Enjoy! Edify!




Tonight we will be starting to practice the songs for Christmas Eve. It should be a hoot!

We will also be having a small lesson that continues our talk about holiness and making godly choices. Sweet!

See you soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Count your many blessings name them one by one . . .

-- an iPhone post

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back2Basics Tonight!

Tonight we are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner here at the church at 5:45 pm.

This means that we will have Back2Basics as soon as the dinner is over. I am thinking that it will be a little after 7 pm. We are expecting almost 300 people!! That is awesome!

After the dinner and our tummies are full, we will be covering the "tug of war."

This is the conflict we, as Christians feel between what we should do and what actually choose to do. So I guess this lesson is about choices. And, who is it that helps us with our choices? What does that Bible mean when it says convict? What is conviction? Guiding? What are the roles of the Holy Spirit?

Part of the lesson will come from Genesis and the choices that Adam and Eve made. Also, Galatians 5:17. And finally, Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Cor. 6:9-11. These will be the leap from the idea of the roles of the Holy Spirit and our choices to what God has provided for us so that we can talk aobut how God cares about how we live day in and day out.

Next week there is no Wednesday night services.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saved By Grace Games

Last night, we played the games that the kids had made the week before. We were covering what it means to be saved (accepting Jesus as your Savior) and what it means to be lost (not living consistently like you have Jesus as your Savior). 

It was pretty interesting to see the games that the kids came up with. They could use three cones, 6 balls and/or 5 hula hoops for their games. I think the kids had a good time during their "free" play. : ]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lord's Prayer Skits- Five Groups!!

Three weeks ago, the kid's were learning the Lord's Prayer. I wanted to make it interesting so this is what they had to do:

They had to take 30 minutes and come up with a skit, from scratch, that had all the words from the Lord's Prayer in it. They couldn't be in order and the story was supposed to make sense.

The following posts are the result. : ]

Lord's Prayer Skit Group 1 from Pastor Dave on Vimeo.

Lord's Prayer Skit Group 2 from Pastor Dave on Vimeo.

Lord's Prayer Skit Group 3 from Pastor Dave on Vimeo.

Lord's Prayer Skit Group 4 from Pastor Dave on Vimeo.

Lord's Prayer Skit Group 5 from Pastor Dave on Vimeo.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Two Wednesday nights ago the kids were learning a verse that I really like. We were learning John 15:14. Here is the audio file of them yelling it out!

New Stuff!

Yesterday was awesome!

We started our new kid's service (New Families Welcome!) called Father's House. It was fast-paced! It was hip. It was a lot of drama and music and fun! I loved it.

Our actors did an awesome job! Danika ran media for us and did an awesome job too!
I will have to post some pictures soon.

Then we went straight into Deeper. Deeper is a way for kids to learn even deeper stuff about each other and our God. It is small group oriented with a corporate worship time for Kindergarten through Fifth grades. I loved to see the modeling of the 5th graders for our Kindergartners. And it was also cool that our 5th graders can learn from our Kindergartners. Then, they split back up into small groups and "break it down."

Good stuff.

I was talking to someone today and we were talking about how much fun it was and also the sweat we put into it. It made me think about an old Karate instructor I use to have when I was in college. He always wanted to put a sign up that said "You sweat in here so you don't bleed out there!" I always liked that. This ties in, just hang on. I was thinking how we practice and give our VERY best so that we can learn about God and be prepared out in the world to really show others who our God is. We don't have to bleed out there. Jesus already did that for us.

Pretty cool, huh?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just Teasin'!

Here is the first video for helping everyone understand where to go to find out the latest and greatest stuff going on in Children's Ministries at Eagle Church of the Nazarene!

So make sure you check out www.kidpassionateministries.com! It has a lot of new content! There is even some special content for those that are volunteer ministers in the church! Contact me to get a passcode!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Last Question

When you love others, you're quick to forgive.

Who is a person you need to forgive?

Interesting enough, these were dominated by brother and sisters that needed to be forgiven. Although one did put:

One other one that made me think of about how I treat my child was the one that simply said, "my Dad."

I don't know who that child was or what needed to be forgiven, but have prayed that that there is healing and forgiveness there.

Kid's are awesome aren't they?

Question Three

Who is a person that, with God's help, you can begin to love who you haven't been very nice to in the past?

Some highlights:

Brothers and sisters
Lots of friends listed

Here is one of them:

In case you can't read it, it says something along the lines of "I think God can help me love the people who aren't being nice to me like someone who can be difficult to my sister."

Question Two

Who is someone you need to spend more time with?

Some highlights are:

My friend (6)
My brother (6)
My sister (5)
God (2)
My mom (4)
My dad (7)

One of the God one's said this, "God. I need to spend more time with him praying and reading the Bible."

They were supposed to then pray for what each page said to pray for.

The Love of Jesus and One Thing

Last Sunday I asked the 3-5th graders to write on post-it notes and answer the four questions that I am about to post. Their responses to each question will be in each post. I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Just to highlight a few:

Forgive people
Sit with them and talk with them about God
Be their friend
Play with them
Make the feel better
Read the Bible to them
Listen to your parents
When someone is by yourself, you sit
If someone didn't have a home, you give them one

-- an iPhone post

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Art Is Yummy

I had a meeting at Rembrandt's this week and the lady behind the bar was awesome. She fashioned this drink It was both well done on the outside while being tasty on the inside.

Oh, and the meeting was fun too!

-- an iPhone post

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paul and the Underground Church Day Four!

Here is the latest video about our incredible summer adventure! Check it out!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Paul and the Underground Church Day Three

Here is the third day video!

Paul and the Underground Church Day Two

Here is the second night's video of the day!

Paul and the Underground Church Day One

Here is the first video we made. It shows some of the things that the kids did on that first night.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


A friend of mine is moving to Eagle. His son has a pet snake. Since they are in the process of moving, they needed a place to let his snake live. What better place than my office?? Very cool, huh? So below you will see a picture of Indiana. He is a milk snake. He is normally black and white, but he is shedding his skin. Alissa said she kinda likes the blue and white.

Indiana eats a mouse about once every two weeks. He seems like a nice snake. If you come by to see him, don't tap the glass.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday Night Kenya Practice!

This past Wednesday night, some of the young adults wanted to practice some of the games they are going to do with the kids in Kenya. So, after having our B2B time, we went out to the parking lot and had some fun.

Swing Your Partner, Doce Doe.

Racing sideways is hard to do.

I wonder how many people actually had clean hands.

We got a free demonstration from the Langley Siblings.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

At the Lake

We went to the Lake Lowell today with Randy, Lori, Jack and Sam Green. We had a blast! The lake was green but the skiing was awesome! Randy even wake-boarded. I tried it and got up but tried to switch feet placement and biffed it. That means I fell. : ]

It was a great day to spend some time with some new friends.

Jack and Alissa in the tubes.

Jack is catching some air!

Lori worked really hard to splash Randy and I off the tubes!

Sam and Audrey were great at watching the people in the tubes.

Jack, Audrey and myself got to go at the same time. At first she was a little unsure of it all but she warmed up to it very quickly because she saw how much fun Jack was having.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Puzzling. . . .

Wednesday night we continued our talks in B2B (Back to Basics). This was a game we played. They had to take the things I gave them and use each one and work together to solve the problem. Just like they are doing in B2B. The older ones were helping the younger ones and vice versa. It was very cool. It reminded me of the role of kids in worship in community. By including kids in worship we are making worship complete. It does not take away from worship, it MAGNIFIES worship! The kids add their voice, their hearts, their ideas and their chorus to worship the same God that the adults are worshipping. Pretty cool, huh? The worship community includes all ages, genders and cultures. God loves us all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Slimy Start

Tonight was the first night with the kids! We had a lot of fun. First, we sang a few fun songs and then they got to ask me questions. They asked stuff like what my favorite song and movie was, lots of questions about my daughter, and guessed how to spell my last name.

Then we went out to the field and played a couple of games. We played Dr. Dodgeball and then we played Toss 'N Splash with water balloons.

We had a few balloons left so the kids had a very small water balloon fight! Good times.

Of course, I got my Slime Gun and slimed a few of them. I hope it comes out of clothes!! (See Colton) : ]

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


He just had to have a photo op.

-- an iPhone post

Old Oregon Trail

I learned something new this morning! West Boise was a part of the Oregon Trail. Pretty cool.

I wonder if Walgreens was too.

-- an iPhone post

Second Day

Mr. Potatohead is going to church! You'll notice he still hasn't learned to keep both hands on the wheel.

-- an iPhone post

Run Home to Momma

Did you know that across a lot of different peoples in the world that a toddler will still push the boundaries from where that toddler feels safe?

That means that a child may start out taking five steps away from momma before glancing back to make sure she is still there, but, eventually, that child will go to ten steps and then to twenty. When it comes time to run home to momma, because of something bad happening or a feeling that the child needs to feel/be closer to momma, the child knows exactly where momma is. The child is safe.

In Psalm 25:12, it asks, "Who are they that fear the Lord?" The fear in this sentence is not one where we think of God as a great big bully. God isn't a bully. He loves us. There is no love in being a bully. The fear that is meant here is more like a respect but you have to add in a cup of admiration and adoration. Big words. It means that not only should we respect God but we should respect Him in such a way that we look up to Him and love him.

Sometimes we are loving and respecting God and we are so close to Him. And we go through our days and life-stuff happens. We get bullied at school. People treat us mean. Lots of stuff. Those that truly "fear" God will always think of God immediately when these things happen. God will be in their thoughts constantly, whether there are bad things happening or good things happening. God will be right there in the front of their head, just like the child's momma is always in the child's thoughts even when momma is twenty steps away.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Jump Around!

On our way here, after we stopped to eat at Twin Falls, we were driving back to I-84 and I saw a guy wearing a parachute on this back as we went over the bridge.

I quickly pulled over and grabbed Alissa and Audrey. We headed to the overlook.

Three guys were about to jump off the bridge to base jump from the bridge. I have never seen this live, so it was pretty cool that we just happen to be going by at the moment.

So we got this little video of one of the guys jumping. I deleted the audio for quicker upload.

A guy standing by us told us that this is one of the few bridges where it is legal to do this kind of jump from a bridge.


Does your breakfast look like this after you are done?

We barely made it for breakfast in time at McDonald's. We were the last person served breakfast.

Audrey likes to tear her food apart. So I your food does look like this then perhaps you would get along very well with Audrey.

-- an iPhone post

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I would also like to formally thank Pastor Matt. He was very helpful. You rock! Not that he wants or needs to be thanked because he is that kind of guy.

But I missed thanking him in my earlier post.

-- an iPhone post

Fun Pic from Monday

Couldn't resist snapping this picture. I'm sure that it had nothing to do with being based out of Eagle, Idaho but thought it would be fun to take anyway.


Sorry no posts today. We have been very busy unloading our truck. I've got a great couple of posts for yesterday that I will get up tomorrow.

A very special thanks goes to Jackie and Robin. Jace, Josh, Brent, Lisa, Pete, Ben, Chris (and Mitchell) and many others helped today as we totally unloaded the ENTIRE truck in about four hours. Wow! Thank you guys (and gals) for giving your time and your muscles!

It was also great to sit down (finally) and eat with some of you and your spouses.

Lastly, I want to make sure that I say thank you to Paige, Tanner and Ryan, Will, and Abby for playing with my little girl. She was so happy to not have to lift all those big boxes. You can see in the picture that they even played with a certain key character in our journey here. Pretty awesome!

But now it is time to take a bath and go to bed. I'm tired! Muy cansado!

-- an iPhone post

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Ramp

This river is very calm in this picture. You can just make out the ramp in the background where Evil Kenevil was going to make his jump over the Snake River.

If you don't know who he is then I am much older than I thought.

The Lizard

Alissa found this lizard. Audrey was both fascinated and scared of it. The lizard sat there a long time and was not bothered by us. Audrey was very bothered by it. She wanted to be held and talked about that lizard for the next ten minutes. She wanted to know if the lizard could get her. I had to tell her many times that it would not get her. And that she was much bigger than the lizard.

Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing that our God cannot do. He probably thinks the same thing about us sometimes. Do you think He wonders why we don't understand that because He is so big and so powerful and so loving that there is nothing that can keep us from Him and all that He has for us if we would just trust in Him?

Walking with the Father

I love this picture. I don't have very many pictures of me on this blog so to have this one with my daughter is quite unique. And, very special.

It kind of reminds me of what it might have been like for Adam and Eve when they were walking with God in the Garden. All the beauty that was around them and the most beautiful thing was the relationship between the Father and themselves. God dotes on you. He holds your hand and walks with you, helping you when you stumble, helping you when you fall.

What do you do to keep your relationship with the Father new? Do you dote on Him?


This is awesome! We stopped at Twin Falls to eat and we saw this amazing view. The pictures don't do it justice.

-- an iPhone post


Have you ever wondered how long those white marks are on the road? After driving for 5 days, you start to wonder.

I tell you what, whoever reads this, is the first to come up to me and tells me how long those really are will get a very special little something. (Oh, and you have to be a kid!)

Welcome to Idaho

Woo Hoo! We are getting closer!

This time Mr. Potatohead got it right. He is even looking at the camera, which is very hard to do when your eyes don't move.

The Road to Ogden

On the way to Ogden, these snow covered mountains were pretty. This was a hard picture to take because there was construction on the road and there were these concrete things that were guiding us down the road. Something told me that it would be good to NOT hit those concrete things.

I Saw the Sign

Here is the first sign that we were getting close to Boise!

Entering Utah

We were entering Utah but you can't really tell because somebody's hand is covering the sign! I told him to move it but he wasn't listening that day. Oh well. What can you do when you have arms that are yellow and look like they are broken in four places.

More Wyoming Pics

Here are some more various pictures from western Wyoming. We decided that the east side of Wyoming is prettier than the west side.

See for miles

Now that it wasn't raining you could see a long way in Wyoming. It was a little like Utah, which is good because we were about to be in Utah. Kinda cool that way.