Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Run Home to Momma

Did you know that across a lot of different peoples in the world that a toddler will still push the boundaries from where that toddler feels safe?

That means that a child may start out taking five steps away from momma before glancing back to make sure she is still there, but, eventually, that child will go to ten steps and then to twenty. When it comes time to run home to momma, because of something bad happening or a feeling that the child needs to feel/be closer to momma, the child knows exactly where momma is. The child is safe.

In Psalm 25:12, it asks, "Who are they that fear the Lord?" The fear in this sentence is not one where we think of God as a great big bully. God isn't a bully. He loves us. There is no love in being a bully. The fear that is meant here is more like a respect but you have to add in a cup of admiration and adoration. Big words. It means that not only should we respect God but we should respect Him in such a way that we look up to Him and love him.

Sometimes we are loving and respecting God and we are so close to Him. And we go through our days and life-stuff happens. We get bullied at school. People treat us mean. Lots of stuff. Those that truly "fear" God will always think of God immediately when these things happen. God will be in their thoughts constantly, whether there are bad things happening or good things happening. God will be right there in the front of their head, just like the child's momma is always in the child's thoughts even when momma is twenty steps away.

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