Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Week Out

Hello again!

I now have all my shots done. Glad I met my deductible already!! Those are spendy!

In case you were wondering, that means I've had Hepatitis A and B (and a booster), Tetanus and a Typhoid shot(s). Yes, me! The human pin cushion! Got in tacks you would like me to pick up?

In case you have not had these in your life, let me tell you. As you would expect, the Hep A & B are not bad. Barely notice them. The Tetanus burns as bad as it did when I was a kid (almost). The Typhoid was almost warm feeling when I got it. But it also caused me to be the most sore in my arm in even into my back a bit. So there ya go. Just what you wanted to know today. Go forth and spread the word! : ]

Aside from some small things, like deodorant and other weird things like that, I'm ready. Don't get me wrong! I'm not packed. But I think I've got everything I needed to have to be ready. It is so exciting!

It is strange to be away from Alissa and my girls that long. It has raised my level of awareness in every moment with them. Audrey has it marked on her calendar.

Then I think, what is God going to do? How can HE use this?

And I think, I can't wait.

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