Wednesday through Friday we attended the Master's Plan Conference. This conference is put on by the Casa de Oracion, the church we attended since we have arrived.
It is a leadership conference that inspires leaders through biblical preaching and by showing them how to disciple effectively. The conference is immersed in prayer before, during and after. We felt that we had been surrounded by God's provision, blessing and protection.
There were three main speakers: Pastor Fernando , Dr. Jorge Lopez and Dr. Roberto Motessi. Pastor Aldaberto Hererra and his son, Juan David also spoke. Pastora Nineja Hererra prayed frequently throughout the event.
One of my favorite points was one that Juan David made in his preaching. He said that, "Prayer is like a seed that you plant in fertile ground. Then [we] have to wait. That doesn't mean that nothing is happening." He asked why we don't preach on all the times in the Bible that prayer wasn't answered immediately. Awesome point!
My second favorite that was especially meaningful was one made by Dr. Lopez. He said that now is the time. Do not wait. Now is the time. He said that, "If you never begin a task, it is 100% failure rate." It is wrong to receive a word from God and then procrastinate it away. We don't do what God is commanding us to do and we sin in the act of doing nothing.
All of the conference was built around praise, worship and prayer. Every session included all of this because they are a staple of the church. They are the life of the church. It breathes them and exhales them on all of the people. We were so blessed to breath with this church for two weeks and to be a part of this conference.
It was a time of growth and stretching. We were reminded and challenged to again be filled with the Holy Spirit and what that really means.
The video below is a quick overview of the conference. Enjoy!
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