Saturday, September 21, 2013

Construction Day 2 in Cali

We started the day with what has become the routine. Devotions and breakfast. Everyday is so full so we get started pretty early. Today, (Friday) we worked at the church again to try to get them closer to pouring the first horizontal beam for the third floor. Our hope was to actually pour, but that didn't happen. Here is a quick video of what the day was full of.

At the end of the day it was difficult to leave. We had worked together with the people of the church for two solid days and gotten to know them. They had been so hospitable and truly loved on us.

The people of the church would just come by and stay for awhile and work. Some came out for the whole day. They worked on the third floor or cooked food to sell to the community. This day they made $120 dollars to go toward building the roof. Their passion is amazing!

It was such a joy to work toward a common goal in the name of Jesus that we did not want to leave. In fact, I personally wanted to do "just one more thing." But it was eventually time to go. Muy triste! There were tears shed. It had been a ministry to them, but in turn it ministered to us.

We came back and Alyson had made chicken and rice soup with cabbage salad. It was very good. We then rested as we were going to Casa de Oracion for midnight prayer. We were exhausted!! It has been a very full two days.

One last note. When the people of the church pray here they pray together at the same time. The Spirit was so heavy on us as we joined together in prayer. It was such a blessing!


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