Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Be Prepared

There is a difference between being prepared and the action word prepare.

One is a state of being. To constantly be that state. So, be prepared is a state of “be.” It means to always, constantly ready yourself and to be ready for whatever that current and next thing is. I have thought a lot about this as we received that word from God. It was a feeling, a thought, a goal that seemed to be coming from God. Prepare.

The action word prepare is slightly different. It is to do things which make you “be.”

In April when I first felt that we should prepare it was an easy idea to accomplish. So we started doing things that would make us prepared for whatever God has for us. It reminded me of a parable.

Two farmers were needing rain or their crops could not be planted and they would have no food for the year. So both went to their houses and prayed. They asked God to send rain for their fields. After they had prayed, one farmer went out to the fields and began to tend them and make them ready. The other farmer sat and waited.

The question that goes with this parable is this: Which farmer had faith?

The first farmer expected the rain and got ready. He prepared. There was something to actually do. Sometimes, it needs to be acknowledged, there is nothing to do. Sometimes, God wants us to do nothing and that is how He asks us to prepare. And that can be really hard for some.

The month of May was a “go and prepare” month. There was so much to do. Which I am very good at. However, this month, while having a few things left to prepare for, mostly it has so far been one of not doing. Rather it has become a state. A being. Be Prepared.

It is hard to exist in the “not doing.” So now I have this time to finish up the small things and be with my family. What a great time!

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