Monday, February 2, 2015

Reality of Redemption

Yesterday, Oswald Chambers (here) wrote about Paul's Gospel. How it means something for Paul that others may not understand. He calls it the Reality of Redemption. 

Here is a quote from that writing:

"The fact that we can experience redemption illustrates the power of its reality, but that experience is a byproduct and not the goal of redemption."

Most weeks, as I study, I struggle for a title for the message that God has for me to deliver. I struggle for the key image of that message. Professors in seminary taught that the title doesn't matter because no one will see the title. For me, this is like saying that the title of a book doesn't matter. Frankly, I believe it does. I believe that a title to a message matters. And of this to say, I struggled with the title this week and God gave me this one. The Reality of Redemption. Many weeks I know why I get the titles I get. Why I get the images I get. And they are supposed to be linked to help the main point of the message that God has given. 

This week I choose them separately and frankly, I could think of a lot better titles for this image.

However, it wouldn't be what God gave me. So Reality of Redemption it is/was. 

On this side of yesterday, I see the point. I understand after the fact. Which, I think, is common with how God works. 

He was teaching me something. Yesterday, I referred to the poem by Lord Alfred Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade. In it, this is written:

Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die:

(If you want to read more about this famous event, go here.)

Basically, they received orders and no matter what they thought about the orders, they followed them. They received them and carried them out. 

This is sometimes called blind obedience. And is in human terms, not wise. Namely because the person giving the orders could be wrong.

However, as we know, God is not human and only has the best in line for you life. Therefore, to blindly follow and instantly obey God is his ultimate desire for your life! He wants the best for you and plans to guide you there, if you will let him and follow him. 

This is the nature of obedience to God. It is the nature of a relationship with God. And why shouldn't we obey him?!! 

Obedience keeps us devoted to him. Dependent. Aware that our very existence is because of our loving God that, when we submit our will and seek out his, we are blessed. We are redeemed. And that is the reality of redemption. Blessed Redeemer. 

The title, to me, did not make sense. But, to a God that wanted to show me to trust him, and in a small exercise to do so, list a title that didn't make as much sense to me, it made perfect sense to him. 

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